Enjoy our selection of best handbag brands to know and shop in 2020.
Bags, bags, bags… A true kryptonite for many women, handbags are not only a beautiful but an unnecessary accessory. As we use them to carry our lives with us we might as well enjoy them. That’s why we’ve collected our best handbag brands list, as we thing these are too good for anyone to miss.
Cult Gaia – Los Angeles-based label Cult Gaia rose to fame on social media and has been growing ever since. Committed to sustainable practices, the designer Jasmin Hekmat creates not only beautiful pieces but also takes care of our environment. Just when you thought that this brand can’t get any better. 😉
Danse Lente – Danse Lente is a London based women’s accessories label. Danse Lente, which means Slow Dance in French, focuses on high quality leather goods inspired by contemporary aesthetics and modern architecture. And they add a playful and curious element to each design.
Yuzefi – Another cult sensation on Instagram, Yuzefi was founded in 2015 by Naza Yousefi. She creates her pieces organically, working directly with leather instead of being very technical with sketching. She said about her process :“I try to make something unique that I feel passionate and strongly about, with the hope that it will speak to like-minded people in search of something new.”
S. Joon – S.Joon’s name comes from founder Sahar Asvandi’s first initial and a Persian term of endearment. The brand was established in 2017 with focus on detail, quality and craftsmanship. The label has its signature in sculptural shapes and elegant textures.
Boyy – Designers Jesse Dorsey and Wannasiri Kongman established BOYY back in 2006. Their fresh take on a luxury handbag is defined by a signature oversized buckle that you’ve probably seen in the hands of it girls on Instagram.
ATP Atelier – ATP stands for All Tomorrow’s Parties. The brand specializes in leather goods with a minimal Scandinavian feel. Inspired by the slow pace of life in Otranto, Puglia, they offer slow luxury of high quality timeless designs that are handmade in Tuscany.
The Sant – The Sant offers contemporary handbags that are handmade in the label’s Barcelona studio by artisans with years of experience. The brand takes inspiration from art, creating geometric shapes that stand out from the crowd. Besides the interesting silhouettes you can recognise their pieces with unique ‘hair scrunchie’ handles.
Little Liffner – This Stockholm based accessories brand has been building its following since it was founded in 2012. Designer Paulina Liffner Von Sydow combines Scandinavian functionality and Italian craftsmanship.